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Four Ways to Have an Eco-Friendly Thanksgiving

First and foremost, I would like to acknowledge the triggering history of the holiday known as Thanksgiving. For many Natives, Thanksgiving is a day of mourning and not a celebration as historical events are skewed. Find out whose land you are on and educate yourself on the true history. Please check out this article on…

7 Tips for an Eco-Friendly Valentine’s Day

Lover’s Day is among us! This is a time of emphasizing your love (but of course you do this everyday) typically through the love language “Gifts”. However, it is important to be mindful of what type of gifts we are giving and the impact they have on the environment. If we are not conscious about…

Five Easy New Year Resolutions to Make Going Green Easy

New year, new you! Right? Aside from the occasional new year resolution to go to the gym (diet starts Monday), how about pledging to live a more sustainable lifestyle while preserving the environment? Below are some quick and easy lifestyle changes that will put you on the right path. Whether you decide to focus on…

Step by Step Guide to Recycle like a Pro

IS IT RECYCLABLE? First thing’s first, does it look like something that can be recycled? Imagine it being melted down into a newer version of it. Does it look durable enough to allow for that to happen? This can be tricky when it comes to excessive packaging and wrapping. If you are unsure, it is…

Eco Friendly Packaging from Fenty Skin

Besides that fact that it’s coming from Rihanna, I was pretty excited about Fenty Skin. My excitement stemmed from all the Eco Bae vibes Rihanna was sending out. What really sold this for me was the thought she put into the packaging. PACKAGING Not only is the packaging recyclable, the moisturizer is also refillable! Or…