Step by Step Guide to Recycle like a Pro

Step by Step Guide to Recycle like a Pro

IS IT RECYCLABLE? First thing's first, does it look like something that can be recycled? Imagine it being melted down into a newer version of it. Does it look durable enough to allow for that to happen? This can be tricky when it comes to excessive packaging and wrapping. If you are unsure, it is [...]

What’s In Your Seafood?

What’s In Your Seafood?

While on my journey to becoming a complete vegetarian, I am sort of wading at pescetarian (seafood only diet when it comes to eating meat). I have no problems with that due to the fact that I absolutely love seafood. However, I did become aware of the unfortunate mercury levels in the sea animals due [...]



Flashback Friday! (For those of us who missed "Throwback Thursday") But flash back to WORLD FEST, "LA's Largest Earth Day Festival!". I had such an amazing time learning more about environmental preservation, veganism, animal protection and more. I will for sure be at the next one!