How Environmental Justice Relates to Racial Injustice

How Environmental Justice Relates to Racial Injustice

The year 2020 has been one for the books. From the passing of our hero Kobe Bryant to a worldwide pandemic to the government admitting the existence of aliens to the revival of the Civil Rights Movement. Racial injustice is at the tip of everyone's tongue as we stand in solidarity to remind everyone that [...]

ADIDAS Will Use Recycled Plastic Only by 2024

ADIDAS Will Use Recycled Plastic Only by 2024

The sportswear powerhouse has pledged to use only recycled plastic by 2024. Adidas has joined the fight against plastics to include polyester. Polyester is a very popular fabric, especially for sportswear. It is used everywhere from t-shirts to sports bras to tights. It gets better. Adidas is not only eliminating plastics in their apparel. They [...]

Project Trumpmore

Project Trumpmore

Trump has previously likened himself to the previous presidents on Mt. Rushmore. He has also been at the forefront of denying climate change and dismantling any and every environmental protection effort set forth before he took office. As one of Trumps first political actions as president, he withdrew the United States from the Paris Climate [...]



Flashback Friday! (For those of us who missed "Throwback Thursday") But flash back to WORLD FEST, "LA's Largest Earth Day Festival!". I had such an amazing time learning more about environmental preservation, veganism, animal protection and more. I will for sure be at the next one!



I have received a lot of questions about what can and cannot be recycled. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, approximately 80 percent of what Americans throw away is recyclable. Recycling reduces the amount of waste sent to landfills and incinerators thus providing us more land. Also, landfills are disgusting places that are horrible on [...]

Thrift Store Haul

Thrift Store Haul

"I'm gonna pop some tags!! " "Thrift Shop" is not just a popular song topping the charts but also a really sustainable practice as well. By shopping at thrift stores, you are lessening your carbon footprint by choosing to reuse gently worn clothing/shoes, read gently used books etc. This helps to keep "supply and demand [...]

Back to M.A.C.

Back to M.A.C.

To all my fellow lipstick lovers and make-up addicts alike, this may not come of news to you. However, for those of you are are unaware, our favorite cosmetic brand recycles! M.A.C cosmetics has a recycling program that keeps me coming back for more .. litterally. By returning six [6] M·A·C primary packaging containers to [...]

Food Forests

Food Forests

Seattle is planning to plant the worlds first "food forest". How amazing would that be? Not only would the earth benefit from the abundance of new trees, but civilization too. Think of all the homeless who will benefit from free food. Healthy organic food! This should be done everywhere on earth. I am thinking a [...]

While out in Downtown LA, I stopped into a MAC store on Spring and 5th. I came across these lovely babies called PRiNK. Basically, they are iPhone cases made out of wood. The message they have behind the company is completely commendable! Proceeds go to environmental organizations and they also plant trees in efforts to [...]

Starbucks Goes Green

Starbucks Goes Green

I just walked into my local Starbucks and found these beauties. Perfect for the Starbucks addicts! Just grab one of these reusable dishwasher safe coffee cups and receive a 10 cent discount off of your coffee. This can be used for hot and cold drinks. By using these reusable coffee cups, you keep tons of paper [...]

HAPPY EARTH DAY! What do you have planned?? No clue? No problem. Here are a few suggestions; Take public transportation to lessen pollution in the atmosphere.Plant a tree!Spend a day with nature. Have a pic nic at your local park/beach/lake. Hold a garage sale, donate to Goodwill, or reuse household items.Spend a day at your [...]

Eco Tip of the Day

Eco Tip of the Day

Help reduce polluted storm water runoff by picking up your pet's poop and disposing of it properly. Leaving pet waste on the ground increases public health risks by allowing harmful bacteria or organic material to wash into the storm drain and eventually into local water bodies. Always scoop the poop!



April 4-12!!The NBA has partnered with the Natural Resources Defense Council for the fifth NBA Green Week to bring awareness for environmental protection. During GREEN WEEK, the NBA will highlight league, team and player environmental initiatives including in-arena awareness nights, recycling programs and hands-on service projects. As part of NBA Green Week 2013, all 30 [...]

Hello Spring

Hello Spring

Todayis the first day of SPRING!yay!!Now that spring is here, lets spring into a new healthy diet with the abundance of spring produce now available. Eating only seasonal produce (fruits and vegetables grown specifically in the current season) is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint. By only consuming seasonal produce, we; Save money.Purchasing [...]



The sun is out, the weather is gorgeous and the beach is your playground. But before you dive in, make sure you know what you are getting yourself into. The Environmental Protection Agency has a plethora of information from extensive research and testing on the bodies of water we love to play in for some [...]

The solution that can provide millions of under-privileged people with safe drinking water. About 900 million people go without safe drinking water. the revolutionary LifeStraw Water Purification Project has come about. This invention was created for prevention of waterborne diseases from unsanitary water. The small tube can be carried around to create easy access to [...]

Did you know..

Did you know..

Americans throw away 100 billion plastic bags every year, causing huge amounts of litter and pollution. Cities like Austin and Los Angeles have made a huge dent by banning plastic bags. I remember when living in DC, they charged a couple cents extra for plastic bag usage.

Environmental Tip of the Day

Drink shade-grown coffee!Coffee lovers! Be environmentally aware of what you are drinking and the effects that it has on the environment. Be sure to drink shade-grown coffee. What is shade-grown coffee?Shade-grown coffee are grown on plantations which preserve the native rain forests rather than open fields that have been cleared of all native trees. Here [...]

Hey you!Yes, you!Put that prehistoric incandescent light bulb back on the shelf! After all, they'll be banned here in the US pretty soon. Some countries have already beat us to it;* Ireland by early 2009* Australia by 2010* Argentina by 2010* Italy by 2010* France announced by 2010 but no further details* UK by 2011 [...]

Happy Earth Day!

Here is a suggestion. Why not get out and have a pic-nic/cook out today? Enjoy the beauty of the environment. You could even RSVP to local picnics going on for Earth Day today. Or you could host your own picnic. GREEN your picnic;Choose a local park. This way you can save on gas and lessen [...]


EARTH DAYisSUNDAY, APRIL 22!!And I want to know, what are your plans??? Don't know? Here are a couple suggestions for you!First off, pledge an act of GREEN!PLANT A TREE!!Go paperless at work. Distribute company information and post company material online.BRING YOU LAPTOP TO CLASS instead of taking notes on regular paper. Take notes on your [...]

NBA Green Week

If you know me, you know that I am a die hard basketball fanatic. Therefore, I was excited to learn that the NBA promoted a Green Week! The NBA teamed up with the Natural Resources Defense Council to promote environmental initiatives. Teams from all across the organization invested time in "going green" and to promote [...]

The Minimalist Lifestyle

Definition of MINIMALISMmin·i·mal·ism noun \ˈmi-nə-mə-ˌli-zəm\1 :a style or technique that is characterized by extreme spareness and simplicityNot only is minimalism easy on the pockets but it is also beneficial for the environment. Buying less will reduce the need to overproduce while lessening the waste in landfills. It is called supply and demand. If we demand [...]

Picture of the Day

Look what I came across during my routine Saturday morning errand run. I found this baby right outside of the local Rite Aid Pharmacy. "The Promise of PepsiCo" is what the headline on the machine says. I wasn't too familiar with the Pepsi Company project and its green initiatives so, I decided to do some [...]

What is fracking?

Fracking has caught national attention lately with the latest gas exploration going on. Basically, fracking is a technique used to obtain gas from the land. In fracking, a large well is drilled deep into the Earth that allows for sand, water and chemicals to put pressure on the underground rocks. This cracks/breaks the rocks to [...]

Meet Fred

While out and about, I came across this new water bottle. It's pretty snazzy with its well designed flask shape. So I thought to myself, "what's the purpose?". It obviously must have something to do with the environment. So, I get excited. However, I look on the back, read a short ... bio? But the [...]

Take Action!

Help Greenpeace urge President Obama to prevent chemical disasters! Deadly chemical spills happen way too often and they put many citizens at risk. This could result in thousands of fatalities in a matter of hours.Just 300 of these(chemical) plants put a third of Americans at risk. >>>CLICK HERE TO SIGN THE PETITION<<<

Good looking out FedEx :)My favorite restaurant, BusBoys and Poets in DC has a green menu!I always pick up the reusable cloth bags from the grocery store. You should too!I found this baby in my hotel room. Marriott hotels are going green too 🙂

Boxed Water

How amazing is this? Boxed Water. Check out the facts I pulled from the website;The Boxed Water container is far more sustainable than plastic bottled water. About 76% of the box is from a renewable resource, trees.The trees used to make our box come from certified, well managed forests. These forests remain healthy and stable [...]

Eco-Friendly Air Freshner

Recently, I have been shopping around for apartments in DC so I am playing interior decorator now. I love walking into a room and having it smell really fresh. So I started to think, what is the most environmentally friendly way to keep your home smelling nice? Plug-ins cant be that environmentally friendly being that [...]

Durham, NC Recycling

I've had a couple requests on blogging about recycling. So I have done some research about my hometown (Durham, NC) recycling laws. I found this law to be pretty interesting that I am sure the majority had no clue about;In 1997 Durham passed an ordinance making it unlawful to place target recyclables in the garbageTarget [...]

Tainted water in NC

Spring Lake, NC (Cumberland County) previously issued out an alert about the tainted water supply. Apparently the water contains dangerous bacteria such as E-Coli and fecal mater. If you did use the tap water, it was suggested that you boil it before using it. Restaurants closed down and the water supply was shut off.This goes [...]

Seasonal Fruits

Here is a list of produce that you should shop for in season. Shopping for fruits and vegetables while they are in season will leave less of a carbon footprint and is essentially eco-friendly because it requires less energy to produce. Also, the produce that are shopped in season are a lot more fresh. I [...]

Eco-Friendly Shopping

Produce;Shopping at your local Farmers Market for produce such as fruits and vegetables is a an excellent way to shop. It leaves less of a carbon footprint, meaning you are being environmentally friendly. Shopping at your local Farmers Market is recommended because;Fresh fruit and vegetables. Produce is picked ripe and sold that day. Supermarket produce, [...]


APRIL 22, 2011So, what are you doing??You can do something simple like;Recycle! (which should be an everyday thing -_-)Pick up a piece of trash you see outside.Buy eco-friendly products.PLANT A TREE!!Use a power strip to turn off televisions, stereos and computer systems when you're not using them and unplug appliances such as phone chargers, extra [...]

Environmental Quotes

The earth does not belong to man -- man belongs to the earth.-- Chief SeattleI believe in God, only I spell it "Nature".-- Frank Lloyd WrightWhen one tugs at a single thing in nature, he finds it attached to the rest of the world.-- John MuirWe do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we [...]


I've been asked numerous times (because I'm obviously an "all things environmental" guru) "Is it safe to eat seafood?". I wrote a blog about it a while back. Remember the sniff test? Well, obviously that didn't work out. Go figure, right? Apparently, the more seafood you eat, the higher the risk you are of being [...]


Activists from Greenpeace are now hanging from the anchor chain of Chevron's Stena Carron to prevent the ship from sailing out to their drill site. All this is in effort to combat offshore drilling.Classic example of one of my favorite quotes;No one can do EVERYTHING. But everyone can do SOMETHING.I absolutely love the fight in [...]