
Inés here. Many people ask where my passion for environmental protection stems from. One could say I watched too much “Captain Planet” as a kid. Or I can reflect on my uncle Ron (who worked at the Environmental Protection Agency) and how he had so many large blue bins in his back yard for recycling.  Growing up in Trenton, New Jersey, we would hang out at his house in front of the Hudson River. Uncle Ron would tell me about how polluted the river was and why we should protect it from pollution.

I guess all these little lessons stuck with me as I would be the only child in the park picking up trash instead of swinging on the swings. And then there was this one magical moment where Mother Nature saved my life. But that’s another story.

I took this passion all the way with me throughout my adult years.  And thus, my college education lead me to all the “environmentals”; Environmental Science, Environmental Studies, Environmental Planning and Design and then I minored in Sustainability. All the education I’ve obtained has assisted me in living a sustainable life to the best of my ability. I am always learning and always trying to find more ways to protect the environment.

Follow me on my journey.