Step by Step Guide to Recycle like a Pro


First thing’s first, does it look like something that can be recycled? Imagine it being melted down into a newer version of it. Does it look durable enough to allow for that to happen? This can be tricky when it comes to excessive packaging and wrapping. If you are unsure, it is better to not place it in the recycling bin at all so you won’t contaminate other recyclables.

Check with your local municipalities for an exact list of what can and cannot be recycled in your specific state. However, to make it easier, below is a list of the most common recyclables that are usually good in most states.


Simple. Opt for glass whenever you can. Glass is 100% recyclable and can be recycled endlessly without loss in quality or purity. Most, if not all, states take glass recycling so this is an easy toss in your recycling bin.


This one can be a bit tricky when it comes to unnecessary wrapping and packaging. The little plastic film that is wrapped on consumer goods is not recyclable. Wrappers are very rarely, if ever, recyclable so this pertains mostly to packaging. Be sure to look for the triangle recycling sign (usually on the bottom) with a number inside of it as most states will take 1-7. For this reason, try to stay away from consumer goods with excessive packaging that cannot be recycled. Also, buying in bulk helps as well.

Collect enough of these and you can even receive payment if you take them to the recycling plant. Or you can just toss them in your recycling bin. You know, since you’re a big baller and all.

It is best to stay away from plastics for many reasons. If you can, always opt for any other option such as glass, metal or paper. Plastic sucks.

Check out this article on plastics.


The easier to recycle because metal is a highly sought after recycled good. Metal is king! Nearly 90% of all steel is reused and recycled being that it is 100% recyclable. Aluminum and steel are the most common metals recycled.

Making steel from recycled scrap uses 75% less energy than used in making virgin steel.

Any metal cans or pure metal objects can go in the recycling bin. If you have large metal objects, you can take them to a recycling plant and sometimes even receive payment!


Paper decomposes back into the environment the quickest being that they are made from trees. However, all paper is not created equally. This pertains mainly to cardboard but not pizza boxes! Pizza boxes are usually soaked with oil and sauce from the pizza which lessens the integrity of the paper material. Also, if your cardboard box looks to be looks to be mixed with another type of material such as plastic, it is not recyclable unless you separate them. Newspapers can also be reused in your home and also recycled as well. This leads us to the next phase.


Now that we have that out of the way, next to your trash can at home, place another bin/can/bag (or whatever is convenient for you) next to it and direct all recyclables there. It can be anything. You can get all fancy or basic as you want.


Please, for the love of God, do not put dirty packaging into your recycling bin. Clean it out with a simple swish around in some good ol water and then toss. If you are feeling fancy, toss them in your dishwasher to make a full load.

The reason being, dirty recyclables will not be accepted at the recycling facility. Many times entires hauls of recycled goods are turned away and sent to the landfill because they are dirty. Even China stopped accepting our recyclables because they were always dirty. Embarrassing.

In order to recycle, products are melted down back to their original material. If these objects are dirty or mixed, this will destroy the integrity of the material and will make it insufficient for use.

So please, rinse your recyclables first.

Fin. You are now on your way to being a recycling champ.

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