The main question I receive is, “How do I lower my utility bills?”. Well, good think environmental preservation and money preservation goes hand in hand. The less energy we use, the less money we spend. We free two birds with one key! So, how do we do so?

Unplug your electronics

This is called “energy vampires” because it sucks your home dry! No, really, leaving electronics and small appliances plugged in still uses energy. Just think about it, energy still flows through the electrical cord of your plugged in charger even when it is not connected to your phone. This is why it is ready for immediate use when you are ready to use it. Energy is constantly flowing. Energy vampires such as your laptop charger, coffee maker, toaster, lamps, etc can account for about 20% of your monthly energy bill!

A great way to passively unplug is to purchase an advanced power strip, which automatically turns off idle electronics. Or you can just use a normal power strip to plug in all the electronics. Then when they are no longer in use, shut off the power strip. You can also just physically unplug the cords when they are not in use.

Turn off the lights

When you exit a room, turn off the light. Even if you’re “coming right back”. Sometimes, that turns into an hour or two later. Or maybe you’ve even left the house. So, just turn it off.

Also, natural lighting is beautiful. Artificial lighting during the day time is not always necessary.

Stop letting the water run

This has got to be my biggest pet peeve. Letting water run while you brush your teeth, wash your face, wash dishes, wash your hands, etc is extremely wasteful. Instead, simply turn off the faucet when you are not actively using the water, for example, while you lather. You’re supposed to say your abc’s while lathering up anyway. Do you know how long the alphabet is? Turn it off.

Lower Water Heating

Lets face it, the truth is; in order for hot water to kill germs, the water has to reach a temperature of 212 degrees. No one is using boiling hot (do not exaggerate your girlfriend’s shower water temperature) water to shower and/or wash clothes. Most water heaters are around 120 degrees. Most people can only tolerate a temperature of 110 degrees for a short time anyway.

Therefore, the water does not have to be that hot. Yes, hot water can aid in breaking down grime but it doest have to be that hot. Sure the thought makes us feel better and the shower feels like a nice day at the space, but we can lower it just a tad.

We can wash our clothes in cold water with a disinfectant detergent. Our hands can be washed in lukewarm water. And tell your girlfriend the shower doesn’t have to be set to hell for her to be clean. You’re welcome.

Heating and cooling

During the summer months, for energy saving, set the thermostat to 78. At night, once it has cooled down, open the windows for a nice cool breeze. Turn on the ceiling fan. Also, don’t wear sweatpants in the summer.

During winter, set the heater to 65 so that it will not go below. Also, get cozy! Wear those nice fuzzy socks, that comfy sweater or hoody. Now is the time to wear those sweatpants.


Whenever it’s time for new appliances, make sure you are getting one with the ENERGY STAR seal. That way you know the appliance you are using is conserving energy while in use.

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