Four Ways to Have an Eco-Friendly Thanksgiving

First and foremost, I would like to acknowledge the triggering history of the holiday known as Thanksgiving. For many Natives, Thanksgiving is a day of mourning and not a celebration as historical events are skewed. Find out whose land you are on and educate yourself on the true history. Please check out this article on ways to decolonize Thanksgiving and honor Natives whose lands were stolen.

Another way to honor Natives during this holiday is to honor Mother Nature, just as they always have. It is important to be stewards of the land while we are on it. Keep in mind the environmental impact of Thanksgiving as you plan for the holiday.

Go Meatless

The average turkey emits 64 pounds of CO2 into the atmosphere with 46 million eaten every year. This is enormous compared to the average emission of sides such as mashed potatoes coming in at 9 pounds of CO2.

Let’s be honest. Thanksgiving is all about the sides anyway. The sides dominate the food table and are always the stars of the show. Yes, there’s the turkey but how basic is that? Matter of fact, how about we skip the turkey altogether and let an animal live its precious life this year?

No? Well there are many meatless options to choose from when it comes to T-Day. Tofurky is renowned for its take on the holiday favorite. Outside of turkey, there are many other meatless options such as vegan chicken, roast, beef, and even steak! Check out my favorite meatless options below.

Daring Original Meatless Frozen Breaded Chicken – $6.99

Quorn Meatless Pieces – $5.49

Gardein Mandarin Orange Crispy Chick’n – $5.99

Gardein® Classic Meatless Meatballs – $5.99

Gardein Golden Fishless Filets – $5.99

Gardein Mini Crispy Plant-Based Frozen Crabless Cakes – $5.99


Please, for the love of all things good, plate your beautiful meals on real plates. I know single-use plates and cups are so convenient but think of all the trash that accumulates from this. Who wants to take out that much trash anyway? It all ends up in the already overfilled landfill. Show your guests true hospitality by plating their lovely meals on your beautiful plates.

If you absolutely must use single-use dishes, at the very least, STAY AWAY FROM STYROFOAM. Instead, go for paper plates. Styrofoam does not biodegrade, meaning it will stay in a landfill for hundreds of years. It does not go away! Instead, opt for paper plates that are made from recycled material. There are even compostable dishes.


$408 billion is spent each year on food that’s never eaten and, all told, 35% of all food goes uneaten annually.

The food system accounts for a third of global greenhouse gas emissions; food waste alone accounts for about 10 percent

2022 Food Waste Solutions Summit

Food waste is a huge social issue and also an environmental issue. With all the leftover food, the trash can pile up quickly. Did you know, food waste accounts for

To combat food waste, only take what you can eat. I know, all the yummy food is so delicious but try not to let your eyes be bigger than your stomach. Always remember, you can go back for seconds.

In addition, composting food scraps will keep food waste out of landfill and into some yummy soil for plants. Compost is great for fertilizing as your food goes back into the earth. There is numerous drop-off locations for composting. Check out your local farmers market to see if they accept composting. Or, start one in your backyard if it is available to you.


As we gather on this day to enjoy our family and friends, offer to carpool with each other to lessen gas emissions. This will also help with the immense traffic that always takes place on Thanksgiving day.

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